Corrosion Management


Corrosion management of assets in industries is a prime concern for stopping degradation and failures of assets causing both direct and indirect loss. Corrosion management is related to prevention and control of corrosion in oil and gas transportation through cross country pipelines, plant piping in process industries, storage tank bottoms, underground tanks, flanges, pipe supports etc.

The asset costs are a considerable part of the investment in the oil and gas transportation and process industry. The cost of corrosion is very high approximately 3 to 4 % of GDP. About 20 to 30 % of this cost can be saved by corrosion control measures. With the aging of assets and huge cost of replacement, focus has been now shifted for better corrosion control and monitoring to enhance the life of assets.  Better understanding and control of the corrosion can increase its application range and therefore have a large economic impact.

Corrosion Control is an essential requirement in all industries particularly pipelines and process plants. Corrosion control techniques such as material selection, protective coatings, cathodic protection, go a long way in corrosion control and management in time bound manner and avoid breakdown which incurs both direct and indirect costs.

Corrosion monitoring and periodic inspection provide an early warning that damaging process or conditions exist which may result in corrosion induced failures. Corrosion monitoring is essential to evaluate the service life of pipelines and other assets and to plan for repair/replacement


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