Asset Integrity Management


Asset integrity management as the name suggests is related to management of asset integrity that is process of arresting degradation of assets due to various reasons and stop its pre-mature failure. The purpose of asset integrity management is to safeguard the people, assets, and the environment. The consequences of assets degradation and failure are well known and a robust asset integrity management can slow down this process if not completely stop it.  The 3 days course focuses on modern risk-based methodologies to manage asset integrity in both newly constructed and aged facilities. It explains and then addresses key threats facing the industry and provides both established and innovative practices to safely mitigate them.

The course content is completely code compliant and follows the latest industry-wide best engineering practices, an interactive learning environment which analyses asset specific threats and previous major incidents from a variety of locations and operating environments around the world. The course is supplemented by case studies and quiz test to better understand causes of assets failures and remedy measures.


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